Computers and related gadgets have a potential of making lessons more interactive and interesting for students. This would make the student more productive.
In modern times when the going is getting more competitive people are putting the pressure on the student fraternity to produce better results every day. This was not so in the past with the limited syllabus and the down to earth lessons that were incorporated in the curriculum. has researched into the various gizmos and gadgets that are available in the market that will contribute to the students becoming more and more productive. First on the list is the iPod. This little gizmo is becoming a very convenient digital storage device. Students can use the cyber cafes to research their lessons and store the data on their iPods to retrieve at some later time. Other gadgets are not only the physical electronic gizmos in the market but also the various software students can use to make their studies easier.
It is no secret that computers are a great tool that can enhance student productivity. Teachers can create presentations in a way to grasp the attention of the student and get the lesson across in a more efficient manner. The use of overhead projectors is another great way to deliver a lesson. Probably the best gadget of all would be the miniature computer, much like a laptop. These gadgets would engross students in their lessons and deliver lessons in a more interactive way making the lesson enjoyable and memorable for the student.
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